Tuesday, April 9, 2013

AKB48 Kawaii - Cuteness gone wild? (Moe vs Kawaii)

Japanese Kawaii moments (Kawaii = Excessivly CUTE in Japan) can happen at any time and during the most unexpected moments. Lets watch a brief collection of Japanese Idols caught roaming loose in their natural habitat (Television) to view Japanese cuteness emerge as nature intended.  
Not sure about the difference between "Kawaii" and Moe? Essentially they mean similar things however, Moe is usually used for 2-D Japanese Anime characters or art styles. This doesn't mean live 3-D girls can't be Moe as being Moe is 'subjective' to each persons tastes. One hard fact is that one can not be Moe without first being incredible "kawaii" to begin with. If you're not very cute to start off your chances of being viewed as Moe become "Non-Existent". Being "Moe" is a trait specific to an individual. Some examples of Moe traits could be how a girl looks when she's angry, which is often labeled as being "Tsundere", emotionally running hot & cold, ( TV Tropes Definition of Tsundere characters HERE! ) or how adorable she becomes when she's scared or even how she weakens when offered sweets or stuffed animals. Having "Moe" characteristics is difficult to fake because the owner 99% of the time doesn't think their behavior is Moe - which ironically makes them more Moe to the observers.
Watch above as Haruka Shimazaki (Paruru of AKB48) is tricked into displaying Anime Moe faces while her friend Mina Oba (also of AKB48) does the same exercise. The stark comparisons are practically night & day and produce two totally different vibes. Haruka isn't trying to be Moe - she just is. Mina is trying but just seems "comically amusing" or like she's imitating an imitation. Could this be the origin of the age old phrase "Know Thy Self"? probably not in the slightest but in knowing thyself one can harness & listen to ones "inner Moe".


Monday, March 18, 2013

MomoClo - Ninja Moe! PV PV for "D' no Junjō"

Momoiro Clover Z or "MomoClo" called by fan is not your average "Idol group". While many major selling J-Pop Idol groups rely on the sales of singles (on Japans Oricon music sales chart) & a handful of "Center faces" for recognition, MomoClo relies on thematic concept videos and high octane live performances. Every song has character, costumes, themes, specialized dance, and sound. Each Momoiro Clover Z single sounds unique against other singles and every member of MomoClo is the "star" in their own way. 
They are a superb example of a seamless blend of: talent, humor, dance, singing, passion, group dynamic, and innate Japanese cuteness. Above is Momiro Clover Z in a live performance of their July 2011 single  called " D' no Junjō" or "Dash for the Pure Heart".

 Below is MomoClo doing "D' no Junjo" doing the official video for the song dressed as Ninjas and showing off their comedy skills. 3 million views isn't bad for 5 girls from outside the traditional Idol system.

They're slowly going global and were a featured guest at the Japan Expo in France 2012 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFaxi4t9nQk  They're always on fire & ready to entertain. 

This is what sets MomoClo apart from almost all the Idol groups in Japan. MomoClo loves to perform and in their early years eagerly would do live shows where ever they were allowed. One of their earliest gigs was in a parking lot outside an amusement park and it became darker than expected outside so the girls performed with only headlights from several cars to light them. Like AKB48 in their early days sometimes they performed for only a handful of people.  Their original tag line was "Heroines of the Weekend" (Weekend Idols) because all of them went school during the week and they only performed on weekends.

Momoiro Clover Z are dedicated Moe! 

Monday, March 11, 2013

AMV - Voltage! [Big Contest 2012] 1080p (Ecchi)

In the world of AMV's (Anime Music Videos) there are varying degrees of excellence. Sadly- more than half ever made are not worth your time. The truly great ones are a bizarre marriage of subject matter, music selection, editing skills, and over all "vision". AMV's have the power to cross-bread genres and make fans out of  almost anything. One can even gauge an Anime's global presence by how often it's used in AMV's by fans from multiple countries. The music can introduce fans to another new band or genre altogether (Classical, Metal, Jazz, Alternative, Pop). No one knows what will make a truly awesome looking AMV, not even the makers themselves. You just know it when you see it and you want to share it & watching it again and again.

This AMV falls into that Arena. It combines the furious pace of "Redline" (space-drag racing anime) with the fighting characters of such as anime's as "Mirai Nikki" & "Highschool of the Dead" with the racier Ecchi scenes of "Panty & Stocking" & "Dance of the Vampire Bund" as well as many other examples. These are all tied together with an adrenaline fueled song with a sexy moe bow. It's just gorgeous to behold. You could say this style of editing and AMV making is what gets people like myself into Anime in the first place.

For classification purposes we'll call this "Adrenaline Moe!"
**Warning this contains about 20% Ecchi shots (Anime 'lewd' or 'nudeness') but it's rapid-fire editing & age-restricted on YouTube so use your best judgement if you're afraid of anything "NSFW"** This is NOT hentai but it's not Cartoon Network network friendly - welcome to the Internet.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

HKT48 "Heavy Rotation" 2012 (Future Moe analysis)

Remember the early days of AKB48 when the girls were not mega-stars or as polished as they are today? When all they had was innocent smiles, natural Moe charm, & tons of energy?- well, NMB48 may be the "Wild Childs" & sexy sister group and SKE48 might be full of upstart polished dancers & performers- HKT48 is totally the cheery under developed "kid sister" of AKB48- which means in another 2 years or so they're going to total heart breakers and bring much pride & blossoming beauty to the Idol-verse. 

Their performance of AKB48's classic iconic hit "Heavy Rotation" on "AKBingo" from March 2012 will someday make their fans say "Dam, were they really this young?". This is diamond in the rough HKT48-remember it. I say this now because today new fans see early videos from "AKB48" (and AKBingo) and forget that what made them so fun in the beginning was how "fresh and wide-eyed" they were. There were no egos, Google+ accounts, election worries, or national TV commercials. Today everything is "new" we have no idea what these girls & this group are going to become.

This is the magic of HKT48. They're don't know how to "fake it" or "shine us on" yet. They're completely non-boxed & labelled yet. Plus, you can't go wrong with Haruka Kodama (Haruppi) as the 'Ace Center'- She  even has a lisp - how Moe & kawaii is that? Someday they might be major players in the Idol-verse but today  they are that goofy & endearing "little sister" of AKB48 - some of these girls might be in AKB48 Senbatsu in a few years. Can you pick out who the stars are from this performance? That's why it's fun to watch them in a "Year One: HKT48" fashion. Someday they will be 'Future Moe!' 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Selling Lingerie using Anime Fan Service tricks

In ever decent harem or fan-service Anime there is always the one scene where the "nice girl", 'sex bomb', or Cheerleader type character accidentally loses her outfit in typical "fan service" fashion. Ever wondered what it would be like in 3-D? Haruna Kojima (AKB48) & Lingerie label Peach John are happy to materialize such a vision!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Paruru (AKB48) & Sasshi (HKT48) together = Salty Moe!

Paruru (Shimazaki Haruka) & Sasshi (HKT48) are either the inventors of a NEW type of 'Salty Ballad' or the next comedy team?? You be the judge.
In case you're curious "Shiki" means corpse but Paruru looks so sweet singing about it. 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sea Pigs! They're cuter than you think!

I'm mentioning this because as an Anime fan I've been seeing cute jelly looking creatures like this for years. Now, it appears there's a real one. This is what is known as "Buso-Kawaii" (Ugly Cute). How can you ignore a creature that basically eats dirt and guess how it defends itself? (get ready)...it liquify's itself into a puddling like bag of it's insides- Skunks just spray farts permanent marker style.  Who wouldn't want a translucent pig that walks around with inflatable limbs?  You can learn more at the "Ever SO Strange"' website or CLICK HERE for more info

So throw away the gerbils. Tell those sloths to get a job. Flush those sea monkeys down the toilet and get yourself a truly WTF Pet! and when people call it blob be like "Dude, it's a Sea-Cucumber bro!" Take it to a bar and scare the ladies. Put it next to you and see which drunk people take multiple looks and wonder how many shots they drank. You will never under estimated again when you show off your Sea Pig!
Original Source: Ghouls & 

Monday, January 21, 2013

Cute girls cooking BADLY oddly tastes MOE!

Pretty girls that suck at cooking is kind of a stereotype (in today's PC society) however, Japan doesn't have that problem at all. Yes, of course I'm talking about the Political Correctness! Yes, indeedy if you're a pretty girl in Japan and you really suck at cooking it makes for cringe worthy live TV and is even used as comedy gag in Anime. 

Don't believe me? Watch this clip of idol group Nogizaka46's Erika Ikuta attempt to make a dish that is supposedly easier to make than an Egg McMuffin on a hot plate called Dashimaki Tomago. With all due respect Erika or "Ikuchan" is only 16 years old. **WARNING** this video might cause severe case of WTF? followed by extreme laughter but rest assured the Moe is fully baked though inside and out!  
Just Click the sentence AFTER this one!CLICK HERE! for a Taste WTF Cooking Moe Flavor!  (It's a DailyMotion Vid because I can't find it on YouTube). 

 You think you know how bad this is going to be? The ingredients, preparation, too much salt, maybe she drops it?- Trust Me!- this is worse. 

In Ikuchan's defense she's never prided herself on being good at cooking. She is very good at singing and has the charm of a performer many years older. To wash the nasty taste of the cooking clip out your mouth here you can sample her own self-improvised operatic intro. Click the NEXT sentenceTHIS clip HERE -Amazing I know! 
   I think you'll all agree, no American girl could be this cute cooking so horribly. However if one exists we'll try to dump her on a Japanese live cooking show in a Moe cooking battle against Ikuchan and it will be a new level of Moe!  

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Miyuki Watanabe ("Milky" of NMB48) Cat-girl Moe!

Miyuki Watanabe ("Milky" from AKB & NMB idol groups) is excellent proof that Cat Girls are not simply a fantasy they're a way of life. Some girls are just born Moe! View details of her pop idol prowess here!

Even her catch-phrase is cute: "Add 'Mi' to 'Yuki' and you get 'Milky' " - So go ahead an have your "Milk Mustache" fantasies because Miss Milky is part of both AKB48 and NMB48 and her Moe powers of supreme cuteness will only grow as we get closer to the AKB elections towards the end of May.  You can get a seemingly endless flux of Milky goodness from this Tumblr (and related ones)  

One can only image the further adventures of Milky as she rises through the Moe Ranks in Japan. Here's a video & small playlist to drown you in further Moe Milky goodness! 
CLICK this Sentence for a scrumptious  Milky playlist! 

Monday, January 14, 2013

Science + Moe (Mayuyu style)

Mayu Watanabe (Mayuyu) & Haruka Shimazaki (Paruru) have combined forces to test the limits of man's ability to absorb sexy Moe! or as Mayuyu's own equation states as follows: Mayuyu + Paruru = Payuyu!

As Mayuyu is an admitted Otaku with drawing skills as an artist herself one can only fathom what Moe fantasies she's capable of materializing into the 3-D realm. The Moe Dome suspects she'll be engaging in more "experiments" in the future advancement of Moe with Miss Shimazaki.

AKB0048 New Added characters!

The new characters featured in season 2 of AKB48 inspired anime "AKB0048" are ready for your 2-D loving pleasure.

Left to right - 
Yuihan (Yokoyama Yui)
Umechan (Umeda Ayaka)
 Hacchan (Katayama Haruka)
Lovetan (Oota Aika)
Shiichan(Oya Shizuka)
Mocchi (Kuramochi Asuka)
Akichan (Takajo Aki)
Paruru (Shimazaki Haruka)
Masuda (Masuda Yuka)
Kitarie (Kitahara Rie)

ReBlogged from the Tumblr of
mochichan00.tumblr.com Very MOE!! indeed!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Financial vs Hottness? (is Moe a Factor?)

Can photo bombs, ladies, & cars be Moe, Sexy, and Funny - ALL at the same time? Lets find out! Check out this Must See Imagery at Guyism.com!
Click THIS LINK to Guyism.com or the one above (not the picture!!)...Then make me a sandwich

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

American Psycho + POKEMON Mash-up!

You know Patrick Bateman was crazy...crazy about POKEMON!

What the hell is the Pokemon card game? you ask? (Click it for your Wiki-gets) Why is this MOE?...well, actually it's not but now it is!! thanks to the super kawaii (Japanese for "Cute") gals from J-Pop idol group Momoiro Clover Z You can see Pokemon as I always I thought it should always be - MORE Moe!

Can Russian Roulette be MOE? (1/6 tries says YES!)

Yuko Oshima of the Japan pop idol group AKB48 is a grown young lady. She's beautiful, flexible, athletic, and not afraid to be a little pervy or make fun of herself for the camera. She has 1 major weakness and it's incredibly adorable to see it exposed. She's afraid of the last thing you'd expect in the clip and yet like a true professional she takes her phobia in her hands and shoots. How this clip hasn't inspired sorority girls playing this game is beyond me. 

I know you think Yuko Oshima can't get any cuter right? What if I showed you Yuko perv-out on one of her best friends Haruna Kojima? Yes, You remember Haruna Kojima (also in AKB48)  the magical maid from "Megu-tan can do magic?" and her skirt magically blows up....Yeah- well, this is hotter and infinitely MORE MOE!
Like "The Force" in "Star Wars", MOE is everywhere. It surrounds us & binds us and holds the universe together...unless you're a bitch-faced jealous fattie then no one cares. Why? Because there is no "Dark Side" of MOE as their is only MOE and then all the other gals who are simply "lacking" in Moe. Moe either is or is Not - there is no "in-between".  

Anime Parodies - (Who wants a Mash-Up?)

If you've heard of "AMV Hell" (from many moons ago) you'll remember it was a colossal WTF? of often hilarious satirical mash-ups combining Anime clips & themes with various pop culture songs, commercials, and movie trailers. It's nice to see the creative art lives on thanks to Gigna1 of YouTube.  It's honestly worth it just for the "Pani Poni Dash" + "Austin Powers" jokes. "The Black Lagoon" parody is quite clever in my opinion also.  If you're new to the AMV (Anime Music Video) or what the Japanese have called [MAD] - this is a nice primer,  

Sunday, January 6, 2013

SUPER☆GiRLS Video for "Puri-Puri Summer Kiss"

Why? because it's January and the Super*Girls are MOE all year long!..oh yeah and bikinis

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Hot girls re-inventing Math is Moe!

You may think it's a stereo-type that hot & attractive women act ditzy or air headed for attention. However, there's really no room for that label in mathematics as you either get the correct answer or you don't...unless you didn't really understand the problem to begin with. That's when pretty girls "re-invent" the laws of math and it's often very Moe! Witness AKB48's Haruna Kojima's amazing analysis and her special type of genius

You think that's impressive just wait till grammer & language class.  

It should be noted that the lovely Kojima (AKB48 nickname "Kojiharu") is now the star of her own Japanese late night comedy drama where plays a clumsy maid with magical powers named Megumi in "Megutantte Mahou Tsukaeru no" or ("Megutan Can Use Magic?") and the shows chief gimmick is when she needs to erase the memories of anyone who witnesses her use magical abilities. Does she use pixie dust? a magical dust buster? squirt Oxi Clean in the face & run? No, she flashes them with magical panties. You think I'm kidding? 

Add caption
The power of panties compels you

Maoyuu Maou Yuusha ("Over-Lord & Hero") Anime has 2 surprising Assets!

You think you've seen everything in anime? Japan's otaku class disagree. What if you mixed a sexy bombshell devil queen with a straight laced hero type and then you added (get ready!) an interesting narrative that deals with sociological issues, economics, and boobs! This is an itch we at The Moe Dome have been itchin' the scratch. "Maoyuu Maou Yuusha" ("Over Lord & Hero" translates) is the anime you can grab with both hands and your intellect (because plot is important to hold your interest when the boobs aren't there). 

It's a tale of our hero out to slay the devil queen in an effort to prevent humanities destruction. However, the seductive lady demon has a counter mission to save humanity which will certainly have bigger problems if she is destroyed. The conflict solution: Economics (yeah, like in school) and guess who inspired the manuscript that turned into the manga that has now evolved into this thought proving anime? The members of Japan's text board 2chan. So you have anime being made from original works created by the otakus who do nothing but watch, bitch, discuss, & worship anime. Judging from the character designs and first episode this is a journey led by true lovers of Moe

 Casting info & production can be found on MyAnimeList.Net

Friday, January 4, 2013

Haruka Shimazaki aka "Paruru" on AKB48 is as cute as they come until she's given something nasty to drink

AND...even her revulsion is pretty adorable! - some ladies are born MOE!
Welcome to the MOE Dome - where Japanese Cuteness, Asian Idols, and Anime females battle for your amusement, pleasure, and control of the Otaku Soul. Is a "Fight Club" for all manner of Asian Cutness (Kawaii) or just a simple blog collection of misc Moe observations fighting for your attention while smothering you with sexy adorable sweetness: Only your soul knows for sure.