Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sea Pigs! They're cuter than you think!

I'm mentioning this because as an Anime fan I've been seeing cute jelly looking creatures like this for years. Now, it appears there's a real one. This is what is known as "Buso-Kawaii" (Ugly Cute). How can you ignore a creature that basically eats dirt and guess how it defends itself? (get ready) liquify's itself into a puddling like bag of it's insides- Skunks just spray farts permanent marker style.  Who wouldn't want a translucent pig that walks around with inflatable limbs?  You can learn more at the "Ever SO Strange"' website or CLICK HERE for more info

So throw away the gerbils. Tell those sloths to get a job. Flush those sea monkeys down the toilet and get yourself a truly WTF Pet! and when people call it blob be like "Dude, it's a Sea-Cucumber bro!" Take it to a bar and scare the ladies. Put it next to you and see which drunk people take multiple looks and wonder how many shots they drank. You will never under estimated again when you show off your Sea Pig!
Original Source: Ghouls & 

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